
Has anyone started to cut down on shopping?


May 7, 2020
I've been buying jewellery since Covid started - picked up some lovely antique pieces on Ebay & other online places - but now I'm more cautious and feel it's time to stop.

It's mainly because I've been trying to resell a few pieces on Ebay and no one is buying. The only things that sell are initially expensive clothes that I don't need any more so don't mind making a huge loss on. All people want are unreasonable bargains!

I don't like making a loss on jewellery as I see it an an asset that should ideally go up in value. It's not that I desperately need to sell these pieces, but I'd like to trade them in for ones that suit me better, and no way am I spending more money on jewellery if I'm not sure I can ever resell it! I need to know it's got some value in case hard times come...

Has anyone else started to cut down on their collecting urge?


Jan 9, 2019
i Am not sure, I am looking to buy some in the near future , however
other than gold nothing else holds value or appreciate with time - at least where I am from .
Just my opinion, may be wrong

Also lot of people not working right now I think
rich are still rich, but others are up in the air depending on the job


Jul 7, 2013
Jewellery is a poor form of investment, based on painful experience when I tried to sell a number of pieces over the years privately via the likes of eBay and jewellery stores.

If I were lucky, I could get about 50% of what I paid for, only 20% if not.

I have not stopped buying jewellery or having pieces made since March 2020.

DK :))


Jun 8, 2008
I love dreaming of bling and searching for the “perfect for me” piece. I’m definitely still purchasing even without knowing exactly what I want. Some might say not knowing what one wants mean they want nothing. My problem is I have so many loves it’s hard to choose just one.

But as for investment purposes? No.
We have gold coins in our safe from our parents. That’s it for gold “investment” I guess. But as a rule no bling for investment purposes.


May 7, 2020
Thanks, both!

I've also lost money on reselling some jewellery, but made profit on other pieces so I think I've not lost overall. I tend to buy second hand and to look for bargains so some have a good resale value on Ebay. But that all stopped in March!

Oh well, better stick with my collection and not add to it, even though I've seen some beautiful pieces...



May 7, 2020
I love dreaming of bling and searching for the “perfect for me” piece. I’m definitely still purchasing even without knowing exactly what I want. Some might say not knowing what one wants mean they want nothing. My problem is I have so many loves it’s hard to choose just one.

But as for investment purposes? No.
We have gold coins in our safe from our parents. That’s it for gold “investment” I guess. But as a rule no bling for investment purposes.

I love searching for the perfect piece too, and buy a lot. But I don't consider myself a shopaholic as I truly enjoy each piece for its beauty (I love antique & vintage, and colourful stones).

Great that you're still purchasing - enjoy it! I love browsing for jewellery too, and discovering new things I never knew I would want.

I don't buy for investment but really need to resell a piece or two if I'm buying a new one, and my tastes have evolved over time. It's always heartbreaking to resell jewellery but it sometimes has to be done...


Nov 26, 2020
Since the appearance of Covid, I have started to cut down on shopping.

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
I usually take a loss in selling gemstones and jewelry. But I am sure Ebay jewelry sellers are taking a hit right now and are finding it hard to break even or make a profit. Offering a return will attract more buyers, but even with that said, people I know are not spending their money on jewelry. It seems so many people are scared. From hoarding necessities, buying guns and ammo, paying off their bills in advance, helping their relatives get buy, or just squirreling money away.


Nov 4, 2018
My buying has basically stopped, aside from very small purchases, as I have been furloughed for the foreseeable future due to Covid. I'm determined not to dip into my savings, so I have to be very mindful of my choices.

I don't need to start selling any pieces yet, but that may be a possibility down the road if this all stretches on for too long...


Jan 4, 2019
I’ve taken advantage of covid pricing and having all my vacation plans + our plans to have a baby cancelled. This year was supposed to be our last hurrah. It sucks cause this year was our first year not dumping tons of money into a whole home gut & reno, so it was supposed to be fun for us. We had multiple trips planned and they all went to poop. We were also planning to have a baby, but that also got cancelled.

Next year my spending will probably be more sparse as we’ll likely try to have kids again + possibly adopt a child from foster care. I tried to get the foster care ball rolling this year but when I called DCFY they said they don’t do that and I need to find an adoption agency. The first one I called requires you’re Christian and is more or less very discriminatory, so I got frustrated and tabled it.

I know kids are expensive... esp when you live thousands of miles away from family and have a tiny support system. This year is hopefully my last big spend year.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
i look forward to the days im working again and can buy the better quality cat food again
i havn't brought anything nonessential all year and havn't brought any new clothes for over two
things are wearing out, exspensive and not so costly items alike ...bath mats, my phone, my undies :lol-2:
my lemon tree deserves a bag of citrus food, i miss long hot showers without the worry of the gas bill

but im determined to look back on this time as a learning experience, to make my future discretionary spend better value, ive learnt a lot from you lovelly people and ive learnt what i can do without
im going to buy a chest freezer and fill it as things come on special
i want to enlist the services of a lady who specialises in restringing necklase and get my rings resized so everything fits

one thing i would recomend is reduce debt where ever and when ever possible

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I’ve taken advantage of covid pricing and having all my vacation plans + our plans to have a baby cancelled. This year was supposed to be our last hurrah. It sucks cause this year was our first year not dumping tons of money into a whole home gut & reno, so it was supposed to be fun for us. We had multiple trips planned and they all went to poop. We were also planning to have a baby, but that also got cancelled.

Next year my spending will probably be more sparse as we’ll likely try to have kids again + possibly adopt a child from foster care. I tried to get the foster care ball rolling this year but when I called DCFY they said they don’t do that and I need to find an adoption agency. The first one I called requires you’re Christian and is more or less very discriminatory, so I got frustrated and tabled it.

I know kids are expensive... esp when you live thousands of miles away from family and have a tiny support system. This year is hopefully my last big spend year.

that's really sad a child somewhere is in the foster system and not beginning the process of being adopted into your family


Jan 4, 2019
that's really sad a child somewhere is in the foster system and not beginning the process of being adopted into your family

It’s weird because DCFY’s website says to call them if you’re interesting in adopting. She probably just wasn’t interested in helping me. I’ll try again probably at the beginning of next year. I have some safety issues to sort out anyway. I know foster care is strict.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
It’s weird because DCFY’s website says to call them if you’re interesting in adopting. She probably just wasn’t interested in helping me. I’ll try again probably at the beginning of next year. I have some safety issues to sort out anyway. I know foster care is strict.

have you seen the movie instant family ?
its on netflex here
it might put a smile on your dial


Nov 4, 2018
@winnietucker Best of luck, whether you try IVF again, or go the foster/adopt route. I know the foster/adopting route can be very lengthy and expensive as well. A good friend lives in CA and got her son as a foster when he was 6 months old. She was only finally able to legally adopt him at nearly 6 years old. It was a wonderful day, but man, what a process!!


May 7, 2020
Totally makes sense to only buy essentials. And starting a family is far more important than jewellery!

@winnietucker, so sorry to hear your plans to have a baby were put on hold. Good luck with everything.

Covid has taught me the value of money too; it's insane how much I've saved by not having my hair coloured at the hairdresser this year, clothes and work lunches and all the little luxuries I thought I needed. I'm reselling what I can and saving for the future now...

@Daisys and Diamonds, definitely clearing debt is a high priority. I hope you get to buy the good quality cat food soon! I almost bought a freezer too but can't afford it because I used to spend most of my money on non-essentials...This has been a huge wake up call to be better prepared in future.
Jul 7, 2022
I have been online shopping more recently since 2020 and it's very hard to stop adding things to cart and checking it out
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